Direct investments (instruments of participation in capital) in the economy of Rivne region
Oct 30, 2020
Direct investments (instruments of participation in capital) in the economy of Rivne region

In connection with the revision by the National Bank of data on direct investment for the period 2015-2019 (

The list of vacant land plots in the city of Rivne, as of September 22, 2020
Sep 30, 2020
The list of vacant land plots in the city of Rivne, as of September 22, 2020

1. The list of land plots of the city of Rivne, for which a permit has been issued for the

 The meeting of the steering committee for the implementation of the project
Sep 23, 2020
The meeting of the steering committee for the implementation of the project "MATSYK" took place

Today, September 23, 2020, a meeting of the Steering Committee on the implementation of the project "Cultural Heritage of the

Brief Narrative Report of the project
Sep 17, 2020
Brief Narrative Report of the project "Culinary Heritage of Rivne Region: MATSYK"

Project "Cultural heritage of the kitchen - promotion of culinary traditions through the professionalization of the gastronomic offer of Lublin

The culinary catalog
Sep 4, 2020
The culinary catalog "Taste Rivne: authentic dishes and drinks" is presented

Within the project "Cultural heritage of cuisine - promotion of culinary traditions through the professionalization of the gastronomic offer of

In the city of Rivne, a project on thermal modernization of the educational complex has been implemented № 26
Aug 13, 2020
In the city of Rivne, a project on thermal modernization of the educational complex has been implemented № 26

Work on the implementation of the NEFCO-2 project "Implementation of energy-saving technologies in the educational institution of Rivne" has been

Winners of the Pilot Competition
Aug 12, 2020
Winners of the Pilot Competition "Golden Plot 2020" have been determined

Rivne City Council and Kostopil Regional State Administration won the Golden Plot 2020 Pilot Competition.

Among 12 bids, the tender

The second stage of the Pilot Competition
Aug 4, 2020
The second stage of the Pilot Competition "Golden Plot 2020" has started

The start of the second stage of the Golden Land 2020 Pilot Competition, announced by the Polish Investment and Trade

Delicious traditions, crafts and rituals of Rivne region today: baked fish on straw and boarding
Jul 29, 2020
Delicious traditions, crafts and rituals of Rivne region today: baked fish on straw and boarding

We continue a series of publications about the culinary expeditions of the NGO "Agency for Sustainable Development of the city",

The city of Rivne is in the second stage of the Pilot Competition
May 22, 2020
The city of Rivne is in the second stage of the Pilot Competition "Golden Plot 2020"

The Department for Strategic Development and Investment has prepared and submitted an application for an industrial land plot of communal

 Authentic culinary dishes are researched in Rivne
Jun 30, 2020
Authentic culinary dishes are researched in Rivne

The city of Rivne as a regional center for decades has gathered the cultural traditions of all districts of Rivne

 Logistics of Rivne in 2019
Jun 25, 2020
Logistics of Rivne in 2019

In 2019, 91.9 million people were transported to Rivne, including:

- transported by trolleybuses - 37.5 million people,

- road

 Distribution of responsibility between the Beneficiaries for the implementation of products and results within the project PBU 2014-2020
Jun 18, 2020
Distribution of responsibility between the Beneficiaries for the implementation of products and results within the project PBU 2014-2020

The project "Cultural heritage of the kitchen - the promotion of culinary traditions through the professionalization of the gastronomic
