The implementation of energy efficiency measures in three educational institutions of the Rivne community has begun
The implementation of energy efficiency measures in three educational institutions of the Rivne community has begun

As part of the implementation of the project "Reconstruction and restoration of the municipal infrastructure of the city of Rivne to support the urgent needs of internally displaced persons", the implementation of energy efficiency measures has begun in three educational institutions: the Rivne educational and rehabilitation center "Osoblyva Dytyna" of the Rivne City Council, a preschool education institution (nursery kindergarten) compensatory type (special) "Paginets Center" of the Rivne City Council and pre-school education institution (nursery-kindergarten) compensatory type (special) No. 35 of the Rivne City Council.

These facilities are characterized by low energy efficiency and unsatisfactory living conditions, so the buildings have been in need of major repairs for a long time.
The goal of the project is to improve the conditions of stay of children with special needs, including children of displaced persons, in rehabilitation and educational institutions attended by about 410 children.

The project "Reconstruction and restoration of the municipal infrastructure of the city of Rivne to support the urgent needs of internally displaced persons" is implemented with the financial support of the European Union, with the participation of NEFСO, as an executive organization, within the framework of the NIP Program "EU Support for the Urgent Needs of Accommodation of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine" .

Many months of preparatory work involving representatives of the Department of Strategic Development and Investment of the Department of Economic Development (project coordinator), the Department of Capital Construction, and the Department of Education yielded results that can be visually viewed in the photo.
The amount of funds involved for the implementation of the project in the form of a grant from the European Union is 1.56 million euros.
We would like to thank the NEFCO company for its support in raising funds for such important goals as improving the energy efficiency of budget buildings and improving the quality of educational services in the Rivne City Territorial Community.