Employees of the Department of Strategic Development and Investment took part in a project promotion training
Employees of the Department of Strategic Development and Investment took part in a project promotion training

An online training was held on the promotion of projects implemented within the framework of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020, which was attended by employees of the Department of Strategic Development and Investments.

The training was conducted by experts from the PBU Program Representative Office in Lviv.
"Why should you promote your projects?
There are enough reasons! You report something interesting, establish a positive and active image of your organization and encourage action. Some informational and promotional tasks can be carried out independently, without the involvement of external experts and without large costs," experts of the PBU Program emphasize.

As a reminder, the project "Cultural heritage of the kitchen - promotion of culinary traditions through the professionalization of the gastronomic offer of Lublin and Rivne" (https://www.pbu2020.eu/ua/projects2020/512) is implemented by the Department of Strategic Development and Investment (the main beneficiary of the project) in in partnership with the NGO "Agency for Sustainable Development of the City" and the Lublin City Administration, within the framework of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020, funded by the European Union.